Contoh business letter (Block Format)
Front Street
Mount Celebres, CA 65286
5, 2004
Betty Johnson
Accounts Payable
The Cooking Store
765 Berliner Plaza
Industrial Point, CA 68534
Ms. Johnson:
has come to my attention that your company, The Cooking Store has been late
with paying their invoices for the past three months.
order to encourage our customers to pay for their invoices before the due
date, we have implemented a discount model where we'll give you 2% off your
invoice if you pay us within 10 days of receiving the invoice.
hope that everything is going well for you and your company. You are one of
our biggest customers, and we appreciate your business. If you have any
questions, feel free to contact me at (555) 555-5555.
2. Contoh Business Letter (Modified Block Format)
Front Street
Mount Celebres, CA 65286
5, 2004
Betty Johnson
Accounts Payable
The Cooking Store
765 Berliner Plaza
Industrial Point, CA 68534
Ms. Johnson:
It has come to my
attention that your company, The Cooking Store has been late with paying
their invoices for the past three months.
order to encourage our customers to pay for their invoices before the due
date, we have implemented a discount model where we'll give you 2% off your
invoice if you pay us within 10 days of receiving the invoice.
hope that everything is going well for you and your company. You are one of
our biggest customers, and we appreciate your business. If you have any
questions, feel free to contact me at (555) 555-5555.
Contoh Business Letter (Semi-block Format)
Front Street
Mount Celebres, CA 65286
5, 2004
Betty Johnson
Accounts Payable
The Cooking Store
765 Berliner Plaza
Industrial Point, CA 68534
Ms. Johnson:
has come to my attention that your company, The Cooking Store has been late
with paying their invoices for the past three months.
order to encourage our customers to pay for their invoices before the due
date, we have implemented a discount model where we'll give you 2% off your
invoice if you pay us within 10 days of receiving the invoice.
hope that everything is going well for you and your company. You are one of
our biggest customers, and we appreciate your business. If you have any
questions, feel free to contact me at (555) 555-5555.
Accounts Receivable
1 Letter Head / Letterhead
Masthead or that it could be called the letterhead is the top in a letter. The
function of the inclusion of the letter head is inseparable from the provision
of information regarding the name, address, as well as the activities of these
institutions can also be a promotional tool. The first part of this letter
• Logo or symbol of an agency, institution, company or organization,
• Name of institution, agency, company, or organization,
• Address agency, institution, company, or organization,
• A phone number, zip code, email address or web address.
Usually after writing a letter head or letter head, there is a horizontal
dividing line which separates the masthead with parts of other letters such as
the place and date of manufacture.
2. Place and Date of Letter
Inclusion of the place and date of a separate letter addressed to provide
information regarding the place and date of the writing of the letter. For
places not normally be re-listed if the place has been written on the
letterhead of the agency in the form of address. But the letter is not an
official who does not have a masthead, must write a letter to 2 in this
Jakarta, 3Januari2014
Cirebon, May 18, 1990
3. Number Letter
An official letter representing an institution, agency, corporation or
organization usually uses numbering to letters issued or received. Number letter
usually includes the serial number of letter writing, letter code, date, month
and year of letter writing. The numbering of the letter serves to:
• Facilitate the setting, both for storage and discovery back if necessary
• Knowing the number of letters received and issued by an organization,
institution or company
• Facilitate the letter classification based on its contents
• Appointment of sources accurately in any correspondence.
Number: 023 / PMR / 05/12/2013
Number: 042 / PRMK / 28/08/2013
4. Appendix
Part explanatory annex is part informs that there are a number of files or
documents included in the letter. If there are no files or documents attached,
then the attachment can be eliminated.
5. It
In this five-part letter to contain it or subject. It serves to provide
guidance to the reader on the subject of the letter.
6. Address In
There are two alamt written in the letter, which is outside of the address
(which is written in the cover letter) and the address (which is written in the
letter). The address referred to in this section is in the address. There are
several things that must be considered in writing the address, the matters are
as follows:
• The word "to" in the address does not have to actually exist. The
word "to" is considered redundant because there is the word "YTH
/ respectable"
• Using the word "Dear" which can be abbreviated to "YTH"
• Using the word "Mr.", "Mrs." or "Mr." if the
destination is not the name of a person instasi. The word "Father, Mother,
Bro" is always written with a capital letter at the beginning of the word
and is followed by the name of the person.
• In each bari in the address section is not terminated by a colon.
• Write down the address of the intended person or institution, complete
High School Principal Middle Reef 01
Jalan Mawar, Sejong Lor
Bradford, 52 255
7. Salutation
Section 7 is a letter to the greeting that serves as a greeting in the mail.
Greeting written with a capital letter at the beginning and end by commas.
Dear Sirs,
Greetings scouts,
Assalamualaikum wr.wb.
8. Contents Letter
• Opener
Opener is the first Alenia serve as an introduction or prelude to infomrasi
delivered at Alenia content.
• Fill
Alendia contents contain information that will be delivered.
• Cover
While this cover Alenia of thanks or hope from writer to reader mail.
9. Greetings Cover
Regards cover is a cover letter that normally use the word: "Yours
sincerely, Sincerely, Yours respectfully". Writing the cover greetings
like greeting, preceded by a capital letter and ends by commas.
Obviously 10.Nama sender and Signs tanganSetelah closing greeting, there is
obviously the name of the sender of the letter along with the signature.
11. Copies
A copy of a letter which indicates the parts or others who are also entitled to
the letter.
Copy to:
1. Head of State High School 01 Cape
2. Patrons OSIS SMA 01 Cape
The position of the 12 sections of the official letter of the above may change,
depending on the format or form letters. To 12 parts of the above are parts of
a formal letter, whereas if my friend wants to write letters that are less
formal or not there are parts that are removed as head of the letter /
letterhead. To better understand the explanation of the parts above letter lets
see sample.